Does the little voice inside you nudge you towards a life full of potential and impact? If so, you've arrived at the right destination. I am your guide, echoing your inner voice that senses something more meaningful awaits. Together, we'll harness the power of my dynamic program, designed like a navigation system for your life:

  • Set your COMPASS towards a life of fulfillment
  • Chart the ROADMAP to get there
  • Equip your TOOLKIT for the inevitable twists and turns

Here's to crafting a life you love and making a difference.

Esther and Paul


Esther Here!

Even notice that little voice telling you that you are a gift to this world? That is your limitless potential, the voice guiding you towards greatness. When I finally listened to my inner voice, I revolutionized my life — and I’m ready to help you do the same. My method? Simple, powerful, and super effective. Let’s start amplifying your voice and making it your reality.

Time Quiz

  • Are you making choices and decisions for others in your life instead of yourself?
  • Are you spending all your time doing stuff for others and not enough time for yourself?
  • Do you feel like the face you show the world doesn’t match how you feel inside?
  • Do you feel suffocated and overwhelmed by your to-do list?
  • Are you working as hard as you can but feel like you don’t get ahead?
  • Do you find yourself putting off big decisions and life changes?
  • Do you feel guilty wanting to pursue your own dreams?
  • Need an alignment?

If any of this sounds like you, take our ALIGNMENT QUIZ! It will help you know where you are, where you want to be, and which of our coaching programs is right for you.

Find Out Which Productivity Barrier Is Sabotaging Your Success!
Identify Your Unique Time Waster and Learn How to Tackle It

1 / 20

I love a to-do list and doing the easy stuff first

2 / 20

I always have too many things that need to get done immediately

3 / 20

So many things are important to me and and I feel like I can’t give them all the attention they need

4 / 20

I have a bunch of things I’ve started but haven’t finished

5 / 20

I have a million ideas and not sure which one to start first

6 / 20

I rarely delegate because I can’t trust that they will do at the same caliber

7 / 20

I often feel not ready yet and that I need another course or certificate

8 / 20

I sometimes spend 30 minutes rewriting the same email/post or text

9 / 20

My work is always the best but getting things done takes time

10 / 20

I like things to be very high caliber - I spend a lot of time fixing people’s mistakes and quality to ensure its high quality

11 / 20

I work best when down to wire

12 / 20

I have a huge deadline and will start baking a cake and cooking a meal

13 / 20

I start scrolling on social media or organizing my house and before I know it an hour has gone by

14 / 20

When I get overwhelmed, I just want to nap

15 / 20

I put my big projects off

16 / 20

I take way too much on and break down when I get overwhelmed

17 / 20

I have a hard time articulating what I want and need

18 / 20

I don’t want to disappoint anyone or let them down

19 / 20

I have a hard time saying no and feeling bad saying no

20 / 20

I spend a lot of time helping my friends and family that depend on me


Creating Your Limitless Life by Dr. Esther Zeledon

Chasing the American Dream is exhausting and limiting.

Do you have a little voice inside you telling you that you're meant for a bigger, better life?

That's your limitless potential calling to you, urging you toward a life on your terms. Get ready! It’s time to transform your little voice into a powerful roar!

Creating Your Limitless Life is your step-by-step guide to defining success, building a legacy, and overcoming barriers. With it, surround yourself with champions, infuse meaning in everyday actions, and tailor a plan to live purposefully.

This is the book you’ll come back to over and over at any stage of your life and career.

No more striving—it’s time to arrive and thrive.

Dr. Esther Zeledon with her book Creating Your Limitless Life


Will You Be The Next Success Story?